Green Mill Growers
Farmer Benefits
Industry Consultants are experts trained in various areas of agriculture from soil to seeds to harvest; they are efficient in making recommendations and proven to yield successful harvesting results. Consultants specialize in all areas of the industry businesses including manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and education.
Licensing Consultants are acclimated to federal, state, and county requirements necessary to obtain and maintain licensure. Their services eliminate the headaches that are presented during the application process.
Compliance Consultants ensures Green Mill Growers farmer’s products and business meet the conformity within the buyer’s expectations and laws that regulates the industry. Moreover, the lack of compliance and consistency will jeopardize revenue contracts.
Hemp-The New Agricultural Frontier
The commercial hemp industry is growing and developing rapidly. This educational video is on industrial hemp for fiber production/textiles and seed oil production, as a rotational crop, and other uses. Produced in conjunction with Penn State University and the National Hemp Association
Business Consultants
Business Consultants focus on business development which is the backbone of the corporation. Structure determines approvals or denials. Farming and growing is big business, policies, marketing materials, websites, certification, registrations, corporate credit building is just the beginning of services provided to our farming partners and their businesses.
Corporate Training Consultants
Corporate Training Consultants are highly skilled, dedicating time assuring the CEO is equipped with the information in all areas of the industry. Training is not just centered around agriculture. The CEO is trained in operating the business; the CEO is trained on a corporate level. This assures preparation for opportunities to advance the company. It established a foundation to thrive in success. Having information affords the CEO to make educated decisions.
Contract & Equipment Procurement
Contract Procurements services are vital in business, it means sales and revenue. The future of a business is often determined by the bottom line. It begins with the negotiations of Contract Specialist and their ability to bring buyers to the table. Green Mill Growers farm with the detitanation in mind. We farm to meet the need.
Supplies and Equipment are provided by Agri-tech. Funding through Green Mill Growers Coalition is allocated for seeds, fertilizer, equipment, land, software, and material. The automation system used by the farmers permits monitoring and control from anywhere in the world. Our software assures tracking and accuracy. Green Mill Growers Coalition Farmers have entry to the latest and most innovative technology on the market and access to the funding to make it happen.